17 items found, showing page 2 of 2
Avanti West Coast onboard for Turner Prize 2021
Avanti West Coast confirms support for Turner Prize 2021 as the shortlisted artists are unveiled at Coventry's Herbert Art Gallery and Museum.
Avanti West Coast trials wayfinding technology to help customers navigate station
Trial of Waymap's digital technology helps customers self-navigate through station using their own device.
Avanti West Coast makes young rail enthusiast’s day
A passionate young rail enthusiast gets to spend an afternoon with Avanti West Coast at Stafford Station, and try his hand at making an announcement over the tannoy.
Avanti West Coast gets behind Coventry Acts of Kindness
Avanti West Coast has partnered with the Heart of England Community Rail Partnership and Kaleidoscope Plus Group to launch 'Coventry Acts of Kindness', a scheme to encourage more people to return to rail safely.
Avanti West Coast serves up a treat for local communities
Treats donated by Avanti West Coast to good causes across the network.